20 Mar 2019, Industry News, News

Two cases of incorrect handling of asbestos have already been put in front of the Tenancy Tribunal in 2019, indicating an alarming absence of knowledge and lack of caution operating around the toxic substance
Despite New Zealand being home to thousands of asbestos building materials, recent cases suggest there remains a disconcerting lack of caution from builders and homeowners alike when dealing with the dangerous material.
The first case saw a landlord have work done on a garage that stored many of the tenants’ possessions. The tenants expressed their concern and suspicion that the garage wall and ceiling panels contained asbestos, but they were dismissed by both the landlord and the builder hired for the job.
At the tribunal hearing, the builder claimed he had been trained for asbestos, and that he believed the materials “looked different” from usual materials containing asbestos. However, the test paid for by the tenants revealed that asbestos was present.
The second case involved asbestos contamination as a result of DIY, where a landlord drilled multiple holes into the stippled ceilings, which the tribunal ruled to be “common ground that they contain asbestos”.
The drilled holes released asbestos fibres, contaminating the premises and the tenants’ belongings. In addition, the landlord ordered the carpet to be removed, which had a paper backing that contained asbestos as well.
Despite the tribunal excusing the landlord because he was unaware of the asbestos in both instances, it displays an example of inadequate knowledge and handling of materials containing the chemical, and the dangers the are created as a result.
Over 170 New Zealanders die each year from diseases related to asbestos, and tradespeople are the most at risk.
For safety tips on working with or near asbestos, WorkSafe NZ has created a guide so builders have the knowledge to keep themselves and their team away from harm. Check out the ‘working with asbestos’ page on for the guide and more!
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