Big drop in January consent numbers
17 Mar 2022, Industry News, News

The actual number of homes consented in January 2022 dropped 6.3% compared to January 2021, while the seasonally adjusted number of new homes consented in January 2022 fell 9.2% compared with December 2021
There were 2,833 new homes consented in January 2022 – although that figure is still the second-highest for a January month in 57 years, said Stats NZ Construction Statistics Manager Michael Heslop.
“There were 2,833 new homes consented in January 2022, down 6.3% from 3,025 in January 2021. The January 2021 figure was the highest on record for a January month, and despite the comparative fall, the 2022 figure is still the second-highest for a January month in the 57-year time series.”
The fall in consents was to be expected, added Heslop.
“We typically see fewer building consents issued in January than other months, partly due to public holidays and annual leave.”
Monthly consent numbers can vary dramatically due to the timing of big projects such as apartment buildings and townhouses, explained Stats NZ.
The seasonally adjusted number of new homes consented in January 2022 was down 9.2% compared with December 2021. This drop followed seasonally adjusted rises of 0.4% in December and November 2021.
Monthly decrease, annual increase
However, year-on-year figures increased by nearly a quarter. There were 48,707 new home consents issued in the year ended January 2022 – a 22% rise on figures from the previous year ended January 2021.
Despite the 22% increase, the annual figure is slightly less than the 48,899 new homes consented in the year ended December 2021.
Stand-alone houses accounted for most of all new homes consented in January 2022, with 1,435 consented. There were 1,013 townhouses, flats and units consented, as well as 207 apartments and 178 retirement village units.
Mixed results
Monthly consent figures might be down, but three regions broke consent records for the year ended January 2022. Waikato consented 5,135 (a 26% increase compared with the year ended January 2021), Canterbury consented 7,817 (up 34%) and Otago consented 2,367 (up 21%).
Auckland (20,321) and Wellington (3,589) experienced increases in the number of new homes consented in the year ended January 2022. Auckland’s numbers went up by 19%, Wellington’s 16%.
New homes consented per 1,000 residents across New Zealand was 9.5, up from 7.8 in the year ended January 2021.
Among the biggest increases were West Coast, which rose from 3.5 homes consented per 1,000 residents to 6.6 and Canterbury (nine homes to 12). Interestingly, Tasman went from 9.5 to nine and Marlborough stayed the same at 4.6.
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