August 2019


17 Jul 2019, Industry News, News

June was an eventful month for BCITO, which announced an updated Carpentry qualification, launched new learning resources for Carpentry apprentices, and had funding approved for its newly developed micro-credentials

To better reflect the skills and knowledge required by modern trade professionals, BCITO has released an updated New Zealand Certificate that will replace the previous National Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4).

BCITO Chief Executive Warwick Quinn said: “Like all our qualifications, this new release is the result of extensive consultation in partnership with industry, and we sincerely thank the industry for its strong support and helping us produce an outstanding qualification to support the next generation of qualified professionals.

“The training process has developed significantly over the past two decades and is competency-based (rather than time served). Trainees and apprentices are assessed on their actual skills, and qualifications are awarded based on those skills. The process ensures that people with BCITO qualifications have the right tools required by the industry.”

To complement apprentice learning, BCITO also developed new learning resources that have been redesigned to deliver critical information to support practical learning on site in a way that is more accessible and effective.

Using illustrations and images that break down key construction concepts and techniques, BCITO says it will help improve comprehension by making it easier for apprentices to connect what they read to practical application at work.

Speaking at an industry conference in Christchurch on 14 June, BCITO’s Glenn Duncan said the learning resources were made with the contemporary industry environment in mind.

“A modern workplace requires modern learning resources, so we’re adding value by giving our apprentices guides to health and safety, environmental legislation, and consumer protection best practice, on top of the core skills and tools and planning materials they need,” said Duncan.

The new learning resources have been rolled out to apprentices who begun training in 2019.

Micro-credentials gain traction

On June 15 the Government announced that three micro-credentials will receive funding from the Tertiary Education Commission.

Of the three, two were developed by Competenz and will provide the forestry sector with skilled planting workers, and the other was developed by BCITO to give learners the skills and knowledge to install kitchens to professional standards.

“The Government believes microcredentials will be increasingly important,” said Education Minister Chris Hipkins.

“Micro-credentials are smaller than qualifications, with a tight focus on developing skills to meet the immediate needs of industry, employers, iwi and/or community.

“They are a big step forward in helping learners, employers and businesses keep pace with the changing demands of a modern workplace, allowing the education and training system to respond flexibly and innovatively to fast-paced social, economic and technological change,” Hipkins said.

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