Home News Industry News Dwelling consents patchy

Issue 44 - August 2015

Dwelling consents patchy

21 Jul 2015, Industry News

Auckland and Waikato pushed up the total number of new dwellings consented in May, despite limited growth elsewhere

The latest figures from Statistics New Zealand show that 2,171 new dwellings were consented in May, 46 more than the previous month last year. The total included 1,587 houses and 115 apartments.

Seasonally adjusted, the number of new dwellings consented was unchanged in May, after a 0.9% fall in April. For houses only, the seasonally adjusted number rose 2.4%, following a 1.8% fall in April.

From 2011 to 2014, Auckland and Canterbury drove strong growth in the national trend for the number of new dwellings consented, but the two major centres are beginning to drift apart.

The trend in Auckland rose to a ten-year high in May, but in Canterbury it continues to fall and is now 17% below the series peak in August 2014.


“The trend in Auckland rose to a ten-year high in May, but in Canterbury it continues to fall and is now 17% below the series peak in August 2014


In the regions

In May, eight out of the 16 regions consented fewer new dwellings than in May 2014. Canterbury (down 56 to 549; -9%), Manawatu-Wanganui (down 15 to 43; -26%) and Gisborne (down 17 to 4; -76%) recorded the largest decreases. Hawke’s Bay, Nelson, Southland and Tasman also consented fewer dwellings compared to last May.

The biggest increases were in Waikato (up 62 to 254; +32%), Auckland (up 40 to 651; +7%) and Wellington (up 27 to 150; +22%). The other regions to record an increase were Bay of Plenty, Marlborough, Northland and Taranaki. Otago recorded no change.

Consents for all buildings totals $1.4 billion


The total value of building work consented in May 2015 was $1.4 billion – consisting of $868 million residential and $486 million non-residential work. For the year ended May 2015, compared with the year ended May 2014, the value of building consents increased for:

  • All buildings – up $2.1bn (16%) to $15bn.
  • Residential buildings – up $1.1bn (13%) to $9.7bn.
  • Non-residential buildings – up $1bn (22%) to $5.4bn.




Main image: In May, eight out of the 16 regions consented fewer new dwellings than in May 2014. Otago (pictured) had no change

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