Feeding the future
13 Mar 2020, Community & Sponsorship, News

$3,500 raised for Hawera kids’ school lunches charity Kai Kitchen
For the past few years, PlaceMakers branches around the country have rallied together to raise money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation in honour of Blue September. Last year, branches were encouraged to continue fundraising and to donate the money raised to a charity of their choice. PlaceMakers Hawera opted for Kai Kitchen.
The organisation, which provides school lunches for kids who need it in South Taranaki, has close links to the Hawera branch, due to Retail Manager Maree Beare being a member of the committee.
“We’ve previously raised money for Blue September and it’s a great cause,” says Maree, “but this time, thanks to my connection with Kai Kitchen, our branch manager Mike Zeylemaker thought it would be a worthy recipient of our fundraising efforts.
“We organised a silent auction of cakes, which were baked and donated by locals who got behind the cause.”
The local Rapid Relief Team – part of an international charitable organisation that provides quality food services – found out about the auction and offered to provide breakfast for the tradies who turned up at the auctions.
Maree says the auction was a bigger success than she hoped, with between 60 and 70 people showing up.
“We raised $3,500, which is enough to make a meaningful difference to an organisation doing great work.
“What they achieve by simply providing lunches is amazing. Teachers tell us that it makes kids keen to participate, better behaved and happier overall. It’s such a worthy cause. Helping to feed children who would otherwise go
without is helping our future.
“We are very grateful to all our staff, customers and local volunteers who got behind the great work Kai Kitchen is doing here in South Taranaki.”
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