19 Mar 2019, Builders business, News

Builders’ Business is a column by builders for builders. Its objective is to provide a forum, particularly for small business operators, in which to share knowledge, experience, tips and ideas
Q: What incentives do you offer employees to keep them on board?
Firm: RNP Homes Ltd
Principal: Richard Preston
Location: Christchurch
Staff: 26
At RNP, we provide free health insurance for employees after they have worked one year with us. Health is happiness, so I believe it’s important to ensure they and their families receive a helping hand from us on that front.
We like to collaborate with our workers where we can, so that we’re more than just an employer dishing out money – we’re a business looking out for its employers. It’s important to us that we’re seen as a company that’s invested in the people on our team. One of my workers has been with me for over ten years, and he gets five weeks of holidays.
Of course, it’s naïve to ignore the fact that the dollar is always in the conversation. People won’t just come in because they want to work, so we do our best on that end as well. However, we like to focus on giving rewards beyond just the paycheck.
Firm: Deane Fluit Builder
Principal: Deane Fluit
Location: Wanaka
Staff: 9
A lot of people want short-term rewards in the form of money, so that is always included as a form of incentive. However, I strongly believe a quality work environment is worth more than dollars and cents.
I like to offer my team the flexibility to enjoy their life at work as much as they do outside of work, so I let them know that if they want to go skiing on Monday, they can go for it. On top of that, I like to do similar activities as a team, whether it be a ski trip or some fishing.
Enjoying our interests and getting involved in other things we like doing together makes the workplace mean more to everyone.
Firm: G E Construction Ltd
Principal: Grant England
Location: Christchurch
Staff: 12
Money is the obvious incentive, but because that’s the same with everyone, I think the other things carry more weight in differentiating yourself from the rest of the market.
We like to provide as much opportunity as we can for our workers to upskill and expand their resume, as that will ultimately serve them and us in the long-term.
It’s also important to create a strong team morale. There’s 12 of us at work, so it’s a close team. We enjoy having regular social events, even if it’s just unwinding on a Friday with a beer in hand — just having things to do together and being able to share a reward after work is important to us.
Coffee cards are something we do as well, just to keep the team enjoying something little every day. All the small things add up to something meaningful for every individual, and we do our best to include everyone in open communication, so they feel close to the operations and involved in our business.
Email your answer with your full name, contact phone number, company name, number of full-time staff and the city or town in which you’re based to All responses must be submitted
by 25 April 2019. The answers to this question will be published in Under Construction June/July 2019.
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