Q: What made you change career direction to start working in construction?
Name: Dan (2nd year)
Location: Auckland
I had moved back from Australia, where I was driving trucks, and I didn’t want to do that in New Zealand, especially being in Auckland with all the traffic, so I started considering my options.
My dad was a builder. I grew up spending school holidays helping out on sites (back in the days when that wasn’t an issue), so building was a natural option, but I didn’t want to work for someone else at the age of 29 after being my own boss for so long.
I had some money saved, so I started my own company, and asked my dad to come on as co-director and train me up as an apprentice. It’s been all go since then, and things are going really well. We’ve completed nine houses and haven’t failed a single inspection, which is apparently a pretty good record, so I’m pretty happy with the direction I chose.
We have three full-time contractors, and I really enjoy the freedom and leadership that comes with owning a business, while also learning so much every day.
Name: Matt (Just finished)
Location: Russell
I had always wanted to go into trades as a teenager, but my parents convinced me to go to uni and pursue a desk career – which I did for a number of years.
By the time I was 29, I was the director of my own sales and marketing company — but I was still drawn to the trades. I decided to give up my role to start in the building industry on labourer’s wages.
While it might seem a bit nuts, it was a great decision for me personally and a worthwhile career move – I’ve now completed my apprenticeship and taken over the business I was previously working for!
Work is going well for our six-strong team and we have jobs booked for the next few years.
I’d highly recommend others to consider making the change and flex your mind as well as your muscles – there are so many avenues and aspects to explore in building that you’ll never get bored!
Name: Chelsea (1st year)
Location: Queenstown
I’ve always loved design, and even left school early to start post grad graphic design studies. After two years of studying, two diplomas and five years in the industry in Auckland, my rose-tinted glasses had lifted and I was struggling to get ahead in an underpaid and overpopulated career.
With two brothers and a partner as builders, it was something I’d always been around, so I had some idea what to expect. My partner and I were also keen to buy some land and build our own house, which wasn’t going to happen in Auckland, so we decided to move to Queenstown.
I started work for the same company as my brother and partner as a labourer and, after a few months, decided it would make sense to start an apprenticeship. Six months in, I am absolutely loving it, although I have to admit it was pretty exhausting at first. I still love graphic design, and work for a few other clients in the evening to keep it up.
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