Home News Industry News Rental accommodation fails the test

October 2014

Rental accommodation fails the test

24 Sep 2014, Industry News

‘Warrant of Fitness’ pilot programme finds 94% of rental properties fail to meet proposed standards

New Zealand’s regulations for rental housing quality have not been updated since 1947. Earlier this year, 144 rental properties were assessed in a trial scheme, with the aim to develop a permanent rating tool.

Only eight of the assessed properties passed the proposed health, energy efficiency, safety and security standards. With minor fixes, such as installing smoke alarms, 36% of properties would have passed.

A cross section of properties in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Tauranga and Wellington were selected as a sample, with ages ranging from those built in 1880 to those built in 2013; 31% of the homes had one bedroom, 27% three bedrooms, 20% two bedrooms and the rest had four or more.

House assessors were asked to judge the rentals on 31 criteria, split into a 94-point checklist. For example, the ceiling insulation inspection was assessed using these five points:

  • Whether or not insulation met requirements (120mm).
  • No gaps, tucks or folds.
  • No dampness in insulation.
  • Clearance from light ducts and roofs.
  • Thermostatic insulated cabling.

On average, properties failed five of the 94 tests, with some failing up to 27.

A nationwide WoF tool could provide a minimum standard for rental dwellings and/or be an information tool for landlords and tenants. ACC is also pushing for a national rating tool to help reduce household injuries, which are a major source of ACC claims.

Top five reasons for failing:

  • 40% of houses did not pass the hot tap water temperature check (55°C +/-5°C).
  • 38% of houses did not pass the window security stays check, which prevent people falling from windows.
  • 37% of houses did not pass the check for having a fixed form of heating.
  • 31% of houses did not pass the check for having handrails or balustrades that meet current Building Code standards.
  • 30% of houses did not pass the check for having working smoke alarms.

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