The novice who nailed it 2022

Morgane Torr, a second-year apprentice from Otago, has been tackling misconceptions since day one and is proving that tradie ladies are just as capable as blokes – day after day after day
To earn the ‘Novice Who Nailed It’ title, a PlaceMakers Apprentice Crew (PAC) member must overcome challenges, show initiative and perform their tasks to a high level. This year’s winner, Morgane Torr, did all of that – and changed a few minds in the process – to walk away with a $500 PlaceMakers gift card.
Morgane faced more than her fair share of difficulties during her apprenticeship. Not only has she had to learn new skills, she often felt she had to push herself beyond her physical limits to prove she belongs.
“At the start of my apprenticeship, I felt I needed to lift as much as I could, but then I realised I don’t need to. It’s far better for the job if I didn’t break myself trying to lift something that’s too heavy for me – and that goes for everyone working on site.”
Perception shift
Now that she’s in her second year, Morgane says she’s noticed a shift in attitudes.
“The guys on site have seen that I can do things as well as them, so I’m left to get on with it a lot more. They used to think I needed help all the time, but now they see that I’m as capable as them,” says Morgane. “Obviously, there are some things I can’t lift that others can, so I’m happy for help in that instance, but no more than any of the guys my size.”
She says it’s awesome to see that the shift in perception seems to extend well beyond her work site.
“Thanks to the increased number and visibility of women in trades over the past few years, I think there’s been a general shift in everyone’s perceptions of tradie ladies – from labourers all the way to foremen – and it’s a good one.”
Morgane is a vocal advocate of women in trades and even has a tradie Instagram account (@tradie_morgy). She says the support she gets through that is really important.
“There is a whole community of us online. We follow and support each other if we’re having a bad day. It helps a lot because they understand the concept of being the only female on site more than anyone else.”
More skilled, more confident
Aside from changing perceptions, Morgane has learned a lot since she was named PlaceMakers Apprentice of the Month in March 2022.
“I’m much more confident and I can push myself to do things on my own, rather than having to wait for someone to supervise or help me,” she says.
“My finishing work has improved because I’ve been doing heaps of joinery, so I’m much more comfortable with it. I’m also a lot better at skirting – you can chuck me in a room to do the skirts and I can crack on by myself.”
Morgane says she’s also “physically stronger” – which has sparked some good-natured jokes from everyone on site – and capable of pushing herself harder during the more demanding moments on the job.
With so much progress within two years, Morgane is excited for her future. Her long-term goal is to be involved in tiny house building, as well as continuing her advocacy work of women in trades!
Keen to share your story?
We’d love to hear from PAC members keen to share their story and pass on advice to other apprentices. You will be featured in our section ’From the Ground Up’, so email if you’re interested.
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