Home News Industry News Travel restricted into and out of Auckland

March 2021

Travel restricted into and out of Auckland

01 Mar 2021, Industry News, News, Uncategorized

MBIE has released information on the latest lockdown, including links to what building activities are permitted and to the forms you need to fill in to apply for travel into and out of Auckland

On Saturday 27 February 2021 the Prime Minister updated New Zealand’s COVID-19 Alert levels.

AUCKLAND REGION: Alert Level 3 until at least Sunday 7 March.
REST OF NZ: Alert Level 2 until at least Sunday 7 March.

The levels situation is fluid, and may be updated by the Government at any time.

Travel between Auckland and the rest of NZ is restricted

Business Travel Documents from the lockdown in February remain valid. 

Travel between the Auckland region and the rest of the country is currently heavily restricted. If you wish to travel in or out of Auckland for building or construction business, you will need to have proof that you either fit into a permitted activity or have a specific exemption to travel.

Permitted activities for building and construction

When making an application for an exemption, you will need to explain the purpose of your intended travel. Please make sure you provide as much detail as possible, including all available supporting information, so that we can assess whether the travel is essential and relates to critical activity. If you don’t provide enough information or that information is incorrect, your application may be delayed.

Apply for a Business Travel Document or Business Travel Exemption

Working at levels 2 and 3

The New Zealand COVID-19 Construction protocols from CHASNZ

More information about COVID-19 for the building and construction sector

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