Builders gain insight into AFT
01 Jun 2013, Community & Sponsorship

PlaceMakers Pakuranga customers left Auckland Frame & Truss (AFT)’s inaugural skills maintenance seminar with even more useful information than they’d expected.
“A lot of our builders hadn’t visited AFT, so it was a great opportunity to show them the plant in action,” says AFT business manager Laurie Smith, who conducted the tour and presentation with technical manager Andrew McLaughan.
“They were very impressed by how quickly we can build a set of frame and trusses, and were blown away by the precision and automation.”
Laurie and Andrew explained what information is required for the buildable layout and fabrication stage, as well as what to look out for when comparing quotes.
The presentation also covered timber grading and treatment information, geared specifically at what builders need to know.
“We explained how laboratory tests show H1.2 Boron timber treatment performs as well as H3.1 LOSP but is much safer to handle,” says Laurie. “There has been a tendency to think higher means better but it isn’t true – that’s why DBH dropped H3.1 LOSP for framing.”
Laurie said a number of builders were unaware of why DBH had made the changes and were thankful at finding out.
The feedback from the customers and staff who attended has been very positive and PlaceMakers plans to hold further sessions nationally.
If you’re keen to attend, express your interest with your local branch manager.
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