Home News Industry News National Building Consent system under review

September 2014

National Building Consent system under review

19 Aug 2014, Industry News

Sector Reference Group to provide industry insight on how to improve consenting system

In a bid to help the building and construction sector become more efficient and productive, MBIE has established a National Building Consent System (NBCS) programme to improve its “inefficient and inconsistent” consenting system.

The building consent system – which includes the processes, people, IT tools and legal requirements involved in applying for and issuing a consent and receiving a consent completion certificate (CCC) – is an integral part of ensuring the quality and safety of New Zealand’s buildings.

However, it’s currently operated by a large number of Building Consent Authorities, which each have their own processes and ways of interpreting national requirements. Recent reviews – including the Productivity Commission report on housing affordability and the 2010 Review of the Building Act 2004 – found the system inefficient and inconsistent.

To ensure the right approach is taken, the NBCS team will be working with a Sector Reference Group (SRG) made up of 12 industry and local government representatives.

“If we’re not talking with the people who are out there working in the sector, then we’re not going to get the business case right,” said Infrastructure and Resource Markets deputy chief executive Andrew Crisp.

“The SRG members are important to the programme in their own right, as opinion leaders in the sector, and as a channel to the organisations and individuals they represent.”

The programme’s first milestone is presenting the business case to government by early 2015. This involves identifying the problems with the current system and proposing a range of options for addressing them.

It builds on previous work done in the National Online Consenting System project, which focused primarily on IT tools. The project was refocused in 2013 to take a broader approach.

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1 Comment

  1. cmcghie101@gmail.com says:

    You could have national CC cert where the local council have to put all there inspections into and these CC could be up lifted from there. You would need a time limit of when these are put in. Builder does not have any say in when this happens. Some councils do it all on computer some also give paper as well.Some inspection reports are lost or misplaced which a builder only finds out when going for cc.

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