Apprentice of the month

MAY APPRENTICE OF MONTH – Learned skills put to good use
First-year apprentice John Shield from Cromwell had to apply what he had been taught to lead the charge in getting tasks done.
Given the responsibility of leading the wrapping of a house, taping the windows, soffit frames and soffit over two days, John relied on useful knowledge acquired through on-the-job training and information passed on by his team members.
When John’s supervisor inspected the completed job, he was impressed at the quality of work and the time efficiency in which the job was finished.
Speaking on what helped him during the process, John said attention to detail and listening carefully to his managers was most valuable.
“It is crucial to absorb as much as you can throughout your apprenticeship and then draw on the experience and knowledge gained when you are carrying out tasks,” said John.
The judges admired John’s demonstration of one of the most important skills apprentices should have — soaking in knowledge and applying it when it’s required of you.
JUNE APPRENTICE OF MONTH – Keeping up with the vets
Second-year apprentice Andrew Hopley from Christchurch had his skills put to the test when he had to keep pace with more experienced workers.
Handed the task of putting down recycled T&G flooring alongside two veteran builders in an old cottage restoration project, Andrew had to perform to a high standard to get it done.
The biggest challenge was cutting planks to length, alternating joins and cutting notches as required, all while being conscious about the lengths. Efficiency was also key, as Andrew was required to stay ahead of the more experienced team members, who were laying out and nailing off the planks.
His boss was very impressed with the attention to detail and speed of their workmanship.
Andrew said he learned to appreciate the value of being part of a good team that works well together.
“The three of us worked like a well-oiled machine, creating a fast and thorough trio of unstoppable flooring ninjas!” said Andrew.
Judges appreciated his strong cooperation skills and natural ability to work with a team to collectively achieve a goal.

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