Building Code explained in simple learning modules

MBIE has produced a range of learning modules (short videos) for builders, apprentices and others involved in the building industry, to help better understand the Building Code
The modules provide simple explanations of the sometimes tricky language used in the Building Act and Building Code, and in building consent compliance. The modules are especially suited to apprentices who want to confirm their understanding is right, or who are looking for a starting point on a topic they don’t know anything about.
Each module is comprised of a short video, most of which are less than two minutes long. There is also a transcript to read if you aren’t able to watch the video.
Some of the topics covered include:
- The Building Act.
- The Building Code.
- Structure of the Building Code.
- Deemed to comply.
Below is a quick look at the transcript of the ‘deemed to comply’ module (which most people would agree is an unusual string of words if you aren’t familiar with them). This should give you a sense of how the modules work. The videos are worth watching, as the graphics add to the understanding.
Deemed to comply: how do you show that your building is compliant with the Building Code?
One way you can do this is to provide a solution that is deemed to comply with the Building Code.
There are two ways you can do this – first by using an Acceptable Solution. This is the simplest way to meet the performance requirements.
Acceptable Solutions include details and materials that are deemed to comply with the Code.
The second way to show a building is deemed to comply is by using a Verification Method.
In this method, calculations or tests are done by an experienced engineer or architect to show that the design complies with the Building Code.
Whether using Acceptable Solutions or Verification Methods, they will help you to make sure buildings are safe, healthy and durable.
If you finish this module thinking you need to brush up on Acceptable Solutions, then jump onto MBIE’s website and check it out ( . The whole set of modules is intended to take 30 minutes to complete in total, but you can watch them one or two at a time, depending on how much time you have available.
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