Builders’ Business is a column by builders for builders. Its objective is to provide a forum, particularly for small business…
Builders’ Business is a column by builders for builders. Its objective is to provide a forum, particularly for small business…
The 25th annual Hardware Awards took place early November in Auckland, where PlaceMakers was nominated in all ‘Hardware and Builders’…
Levene, the legendary Kiwi paint is back. Made right here in New Zealand with the latest paint technology, Levene is…
Third-year apprentice makes a splash with bath cradle Andrew Hopley, a third-year apprentice from Christchurch, who is becoming a regular…
Second-year apprentice tackles big renovation job with client as hammer-hand Conrad Kotze, a second-year apprentice from Wellington, was given the…
Mat Stockwell was one of hundreds of New Zealand airline pilots who lost their jobs in the fallout from Covid-19…
Six-year report forecasts sector slump for residential construction, despite widespread optimism and fully booked builders The National Construction Pipeline Report…
Stats NZ has confirmed that almost 38,000 new homes were consented in the year to October 2020. This is the…
The monthly value of building consents in Auckland exceeded $1bn in the month of September, accounting for about 44% of…
Two of BNZ’s business-focussed team came to talk to us about what support BNZ has available for small and medium…
Staff at PlaceMakers Evans Bay in Wellington are raising a sweat – and money – for the Mental Health Foundation…
As a result of delays caused by Covid-19 on site work and in processing consent applications, Stats NZ has had…
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