Home News Industry News Consents continue decline in April

July 2019

Consents continue decline in April

14 Jun 2019, Industry News, News

The month of April saw the biggest decrease in consents in 2019, after falling for a second consecutive month

A total of 2,605 new dwellings were consented in April — a seasonally adjusted 7.9% decrease, following a 7.4% decrease in March 2019.

The April figure comprised of 1,659 stand-alone houses, 553 townhouses, flats, and units, 201 retirement village units, and 192 apartments.

In the year ended April 2019, the total number of new dwellings was 34,392 — up 7.4% from the April 2018 year.

In the regions

Seven of the 16 regions consented more dwellings in April 2019 compared to April 2018, led by Canterbury (up 43 to 411; +12%), Wellington (up 21 to 227; + 10%), and Southland (up 18 to 30; +150%). Gisborne, Taranaki, West Coast, and Nelson were other regions to consent more dwellings month-on-month.  

Eight regions saw a decrease in consented dwellings in April 2019 compared to March 2018, led by Auckland (down 120 to 1043; -10% ), Otago (down 27 to 137; -16%), and Waikato (down 22 to 232; -8%). Northland, Bay of Plenty, Manawatu, Tasman, and Marlborough also experienced decreases

Non-residential building consents

In the year ended April 2019, non-residential building consents totalled $7.5bn, up 11% from the April 2018 year. The building types with the highest value were:

  • Shops, restaurants, and bars — $1.2bn (up 28%)
  • Education buildings — $1.1bn (up 3.6%)
  • Social, cultural, and religious buildings — $1.1bn (up 44%)

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