Discounted tools for daredevil tracks
22 Mar 2014, Community & Sponsorship

PlaceMakers Evans Bay shows support for local mountain bikers.
For PlaceMakers Evans Bay key account manager Tony Karamanolis, there are few things more exciting than ripping down Jail Break – a sweet downhill mountain bike track in Miramar – on a “good day” in Wellington.
The trails he now enjoys weren’t there when he started riding in the late 80s and their existence is partly thanks to his boss Graeme Joy’s generosity!
“I was in the area a few years ago when I ran into Ben Wilde of the Miramar Track Project (MTP),” explains Tony. “He said the plan was to build a small network of trails and a kids’ loop in the area, so I talked to Graeme about getting involved and we’ve been a supporter ever since.”
PlaceMakers Evans Bay owner-operator Graeme believes in supporting the community that supports your business, so he offers discounts on tools and lends out the PlaceMakers BBQ for community events.
“A lot of our customers and staff are keen mountain bikers, so it’s a worthwhile investment to have tracks for them and others in our community to enjoy the great outdoors,” says Graeme.
The network of trails is now a hot spot for riders from Wellington and beyond. MTP, affiliated with the Wellington Mountain Bike Club, maintains the trails and plants at least 500 native seedlings every year.
“It’s great to see businesses like PlaceMakers Evans Bay supporting the local community,” says Ben. “Without them, projects like this wouldn’t succeed.”
In addition to his work with MTP, Ben Wilde helped found Trail Fund NZ, which is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the development and maintenance of mountain bike-accessible trails. Through donations and corporate sponsorship, Trail Fund NZ offers grants to volunteer-led projects throughout the country. To donate or apply for funding, check out
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