Face your fear this Blue September!
26 Aug 2016, Community & Sponsorship, Featured

The human body is pretty incredible and capable of performing some amazing feats – and, like any tool or piece of machinery you value to get the job done, it needs to be regularly checked and kept in good working order.
While you’ll no doubt be happy enough replacing some worn out nuts or washers, when it comes to your own body – especially ‘embarrassing’ bits in hard to reach places, like the prostate gland – most blokes shy away from the subject.
Again, like any working part, the prostate gland plays an important role. Given its importance – both to men’s sex lives and overall health – it’s surprising that it’s usually only when problems arise that men tend to take it seriously. Unfortunately, waiting until there’s a problem can have serious consequences, which is why PlaceMakers is encouraging men around the country to ‘Face Your Fear’ and get checked now!
“As men age, the prostate gland can cause a number of issues,” says Prostate Cancer Foundation CEO Graeme Woodside. “It can become enlarged, get infected and cause urinary problems.
“The most serious issue, however, is prostate cancer, which is the number one cancer among New Zealand men. There are around 3,000 diagnoses each year, and about 1 in 10 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime, which is why regular checks are important.”
The risk increases as men age. Men over 50 should consider having a regular check, using both the blood test and DRE examination. Because of the limitations of the blood test, and the difficulty of physically examining the whole of the gland, having a combination of both tests gives the health professional the best indicator of the possibility of disease.
This year, PlaceMakers is the principal sponsor for the ‘Face Your Fear’ campaign – a new approach to Blue September.
“Men throughout New Zealand are being challenged to face their fear – because we all have fears, but a prostate check should not be one of them,” says Mr Woodside.
During September, PlaceMakers stores throughout the country will be hosting a variety of events to raise awareness and funds for a great cause.
Watch the video of Buck Shelford, PlaceMakers Blue September Ambassador, facing his fear at www.faceyourfear.org.nz.
Support the cause. Head to www.faceyourfear.org.nz, share your fear and challenge a mate and PlaceMakers will donate $6 to the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
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