26 Aug 2020, News

Do you hate waiting for credits? What about having to chase merchants for weeks (or even months) after returning items to get your money or close out a job?
At PlaceMakers, we believe that if you return products in saleable condition, we should give you a credit on the same day!
The process has often been a challenging one for all parties – products are returned, someone writes down what they are, you receive a piece of paper, and then a credit appears sometime later.
No matter the reason, we know it’s a key pain-point for our customers and are excited to be introducing an industry-first solution to alleviate this once and for all!
Over the past few years, PlaceMakers has been working hard to deliver smart solutions to make it easier for you to engage with us. By now, you will be accustomed to our staff using handhelds to place your order, using our Yard App, so you don’t have to carry around pieces of paper, you get the right products, and nothing goes missing.
Now, we are using these same handhelds to make processing product returns so simple, you will never have to worry about it again.
If you don’t have a copy of your packing slip or invoice, no problem – our staff will be able to search for the product on any of your invoices, from anywhere in the branch. We will let you know straight away if the product is in an acceptable condition for refund and the credit will be created immediately – nothing more to do!
As the credit is immediately in the system, it won’t get lost (unlike paper). In addition, we will take a photo of the products you’re returning, so that you can see exactly what you returned and reduce any disputes. This photo will be placed on the credit note with any notes around products that we couldn’t resell or return to the supplier.
If we need to do some more investigation or send an item back to the supplier, just give us your details and we will send you a text or email confirming that we have the product and will inform you when the return has been completed.
It’s never been easier to do business with PlaceMakers.
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