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December 2024

Support your team through tough times

27 Nov 2024, Business Tips, News, Prove Your Know How

Economic slowdowns often hit the construction industry particularly hard – a serious concern for business owners and also something that can seriously affect their teams. In this article, Builder’s Business Coach Graeme Owen shares six ways of looking after staff when times are tough

In uncertain times, maintaining employee wellbeing has to become another priority on a business owner’s to-do list. A team under stress can lead to low morale, decreased productivity and present a risk to on-site safety – all of which comes with financial implications.

Here are six practical strategies business owners can employ to help keep their crews motivated, engaged and resilient during tough economic times.

  1. Communicate honestly and regularly

In times of uncertainty, your team will naturally have concerns about job security and the company’s future. Some will worry more than others. Don’t let rumours spread! Communicate openly about your business’s challenges and how you plan to navigate through them.

Hold regular meetings to update your team on the status of current and future projects. Tell them about workload expectations and don’t be afraid to share any financial realities.

For example, if delays in getting contracts signed are pushing back start dates, explain the situation clearly, so the team understands the root cause rather than speculating.

Open communication is really important because it builds trust and reduces the anxiety that comes from uncertainty. When your team members know your company’s situation and are kept in the loop, they’re less likely to worry unnecessarily – and stay focused on their tasks.

  1. Recognise and appreciate hard work

When money is tight and work is uncertain, it’s not possible to offer wage increases or bonuses. However, showing appreciation doesn’t always need to be financial. You can recognise hard work and team achievements in other meaningful ways.

Maybe it’s a team BBQ at the end of a long week, applauding someone’s performance at a toolbox meeting or simply thanking employees individually for going the extra mile. These small gestures can have a big impact on team morale.

Recognition boosts morale. In times of economic uncertainty, knowing that their efforts are seen and valued can give your team a sense of purpose and encourage them to keep putting in their best work.

  1. Provide support

The construction industry is known for its demanding physical work but it can also take a mental toll, especially during tough times. As a business owner, it’s essential to recognise the emotional strain that both you and your team might be under.

Emotional stress is not always obvious, so look for early signs. For example, a reduction in work output, reduced quality of workmanship, irritability, mood swings, or simply increased absence.

It can be beneficial to encourage a culture in which your team feels comfortable talking about individual stresses and struggles. Have an open-door policy and encourage your team leaders to be sensitive to anyone showing signs of stress. You might also consider bringing in a mental health professional or coach for a workshop on handling stress and accessing available support resources.

Emotional wellbeing is often overlooked in industries like construction but a team that feels supported mentally is more likely to be productive and less prone to mistakes or accidents.

  1. Offer flexibility where possible

While some construction sites involve fairly fixed working hours, offering flexibility where possible can help some of your team members manage their personal lives better. For example, you could offer staggered start and finish times to accommodate family responsibilities or rotate shifts to allow for an occasional extra day off without affecting productivity outcomes.

Flexibility can enable your team to stay productive and focused on their work. Even small adjustments to schedules can show that you value their wellbeing, and will likely be returned with loyalty.

  1. Invest in training and skill development

When work slows down, it can be an opportunity to upskill your team. Think of safety certifications and training in new equipment, technical skills and construction techniques. This helps keep your team engaged and boosts their confidence.

Investing in your team’s development shows your long-term commitment to them. People who are continually learning feel more secure in their jobs and more valued.

  1. Promote work-life balance

One of the biggest challenges in the construction industry is long hours, especially when trying to meet a deadline. While your team may respond to the occasional deadline, overworking them can lead to burnout, accidents and high staff turnover.

So, encourage your crew to take necessary breaks and to use their vacation days when possible. You may even decide, after a particularly demanding job, to reward your team with extra time off or a shorter workday.

It goes without saying that a team that is well-rested and mentally recharged will perform better. So, maintaining a healthy work-life balance can help your team remain resilient in the face of challenges, both on and off-site.


Tough economic times require business owners to be more than just a manager – you need to be a leader who cares about your team’s well-being by focusing on communication, recognition, flexibility, emotional support, training, and work-life balance.

View tough times as an opportunity to build a resilient and motivated workforce that not only gets through but thrives, so that when the economy rebounds, you are in a strong position to take on new challenges.


Graeme Owen is a builders’ business coach at thesuccessfulbuilder.com. Since 2006, he has helped builders throughout New Zealand get off the tools, make decent money, and get more time in their lives. Grab a copy of his free book: The 15 Minute Sales Call Guaranteed To Increase Your Conversion Rate: thesuccessfulbuilder.com/book-15-min-sales-call or join Trademates and connect with builders who are scaling too: www.facebook.com/groups/TradeMates

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