Taskforce to tackle ‘loopy’ regulations
26 Aug 2014, Industry News
Ever been held up or had to change plans because of a ridiculous rule? Now you can report it!
In an effort to expedite building processes at the local level, local government minister Paula Bennett plans to establish a new taskforce to rid New Zealand of “loopy” rules and regulations.
“The Rules Reduction Taskforce (RRT), in partnership with local government, will work closely with the public to weed out pedantic and unnecessary rules that frustrate property owners and councils alike,” said Ms Bennett.
“Over the decades, we’ve seen rules and regulations brought in that were well intentioned but end up being confusing, onerous and costly, while failing to deliver any real benefit for the property owner or the wider public.”
The RRT – which will include central and local government experts, as well as specialists from the building and trades sector – will be up and running in October.
“Anyone doing building work knows just how frustrating and costly the bureaucracy can get. We want to hear from property owners, builders, tradespeople and businesses on rules and regulations that are crying out for sensible change,” said Ms Bennett.
There will be a website where people can send in examples of “loopy” rules and the RRT will hear submissions from the public on areas ripe for change.
“We have rules dictating all sorts of weird and wonderful things, from signage over cake stalls to where your shower curtains need to be positioned,” said Ms Bennett.
Another “perverse” example, according to NZ Green Building Council chief executive Alex Cutler, is a local government rule requiring living areas to face to the street, which “can make good solar orientation impossible”.
“While there’s always a degree of rationale behind these rules, the RRT will be charged with identifying what should stay and what should go, so people can get on with the job of building, renovating or event planning, without have to wade through unnecessary rules.”
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