With four Apprentice of the Month wins in 2020, Andrew Hopley is the Novice Who Nailed It, again…
Andrew’s name might sound familiar, because he was the Novice Who Nailed It in 2019 – the apprentice with the most monthly wins across the year. He has done it again in 2020, but, luckily for all the other apprentices, by the time you read this, Andrew won’t be an apprentice anymore.
“It’s been three and a half years since I started and, all going well, in a month’s time I will be a qualified builder,” says Andrew.
Asked what his biggest achievement is, Andrew says it is his overall growth throughout the course.
“As I’ve set goals and achieved them, I’ve watched my building skills improve steadily as each of those goals were ticked off. That is a satisfying feeling and I feel like I can give myself a pat on the back for it.”
Andrew says he’s been given more responsibility in the past year, something he’s appreciated and enjoyed.
“As an apprentice, I’m not yet running jobs, but I’ve been given more responsibility to oversee subcontractors and make sure things are going according to the plan – that’s been really enjoyable for me.”
As far as a least favourite part to the job, Andrew has to think hard before coming up with something.
“Anything that makes me sweat – like heavy lifting! At 36, I’m not as young as some of the other apprentices!”
As far as future plans go, Andrew is keeping his options open.
“Once I’m qualified, I’m looking forward to all the possibilities – so many pathways open up for qualified builders.”
Asked if he has a favourite work tool, Andrew laughs and knows immediately what it is.
“My favourite tool is definitely my set of tweezers I keep in the van, for removing splinters. It’s a full set in a pink case. I don’t flaunt them on the site and I’m not even sure if other builders use them – maybe we’re all using them secretly?!”
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