Under Construction’s online offering
12 Jun 2014, LBP & Regulation
PlaceMakers’ new online skills maintenance hub provides more frequent content and makes tracking your answers easy.
After months of preparation, PlaceMakers is thrilled to offer its customers everything Under Construction has to offer in one place – at www.underconstruction.placemakers.co.nz.
As mentioned in last month’s issue, this new website will feature all the same content – and even a bit extra – in an easy-to-digest, online format. With so many of you spending more and more time on the web, we want to offer your skills maintenance content through a medium most of you are comfortable navigating. Having Under Construction online will also allow us to update the site with features and industry news on a more regular basis, enabling you to spread your learning throughout the month.
This means we will no longer be mailing Under Construction to you directly. However, for those of you who prefer a hard copy in your hands, your local PlaceMakers will continue to stock issues; you’ll just have to visit the good guys at your local PlaceMakers to collect your free issue.
Tracking your points
Most importantly, there will be no change to the ‘one hour of learning’ – or more! – available to you for skills maintenance each month. If anything, it will be even easier to record.
Remember – whether you’re reading Under Construction in print or online – the variety of content we provide and the ‘Prove your Know How’ questions enable you to claim your skills maintenance points! While the print copy will continue to feature the questions (at the bottom of each article) and the coupon on the inside back cover, the website will not only allow you to answer questions at the bottom of each feature, it will collate your answers and provide you with a score card to print out.
To answer the questions, comment on articles and access our Trade Only deals, you’ll need to create a profile for the site. Your chosen login name and password will also enable you to access the site through a number of information channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and several others.
PlaceMakers is committed to helping its tradies maintain their LBP status by providing points-earning activities such as reading Under Construction and attending seminars across the country – our new online site is another way to ensure all our customers have access to the information they need.
We trust you’ll be impressed and we look forward to taking your feedback onboard!
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