Working Through Alert Levels
17 Jun 2020, Builders business, News, Uncategorized

Builders’ Business is a column by builders for builders. Its objective is to provide a forum,
particularly for small business operators, in which to share knowledge, experience, tips and ideas
Q: What have been the challenges of working under Covid-19 Alert Levels 4, 3 and 2 – and were there any
silver linings?
Firm: Shore Build
Principal: Ash Hare
Location: Auckland
Staff: 33
The biggest challenge moving to Level 3 was getting up to speed with the protocols.
We were working every day through lockdown in our home office, to make sure we were ready to go as soon as we were allowed back on site.
In the lead up to Level 3, there was a lot of paperwork to get sorted and inducting the guys into how to apply the protocols took some time. We had a meeting with each of the project managers every morning and it all went smoothly, aside from some supply issues early on, but it almost feels like business as usual right now.
While we were busy in the office during lockdown, I also took some time to reflect on my business and personal life balance.
As a result, I’ve hired a couple of new people to help take the pressure off me a bit and to give me a bit more time with my family. So, as much as Covid-19 has been a challenge for our business, I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to do this.
I’ve got an optimistic outlook for the future of our business and building in New Zealand. I think we are going to bounce back from this setback – interest rates are low and it is a good time to build.
I also believe the Government response has been appropriate and well-handled. I might not have voted for them, but I am glad they were in.
Firm: Bright Build
Principal: Craig and Jenny Taylor
Location: Wellington
Staff: 8
During Level 4, there was a lot of office-based work to do, especially as the timing coincided with the end of the financial year.
We also took the opportunity to upskill ourselves and our team via online industry webinars, and other web-based learning.
With our builders home-bound, we had some concerns for our team. Level 4 restrictions were difficult for many; but for those used to carrying out active, physically demanding work, I think it was harder still. To help stay connected, our team had weekly online Zoom catchups and I believe that helped us all – it provided an opportunity for us to work on the business together.
To ensure that we were adhering to the Government protocols, there was a lot of prep work to undertake prior to moving to Level 3. We needed to develop updated health and safety documentation, inductions and processes, as well as implement practical measures such as organising wash stations at the site entrances.
We were grateful to get support during Level 4. Wellington Registered Master Builders printed and delivered the new mandatory COVID-19 site signage, and PlaceMakers even organised and delivered a Portaloo for one of our sites during lockdown.
We have been Hazard Co customers for some time, and their new app came out just in time for Level 3. The portal has been an excellent solution for on site contract tracing, as it enables real-time visibility of who is on site at any particular moment.
At Level 3, it was reasonably easy to restart our new build project. All our renovation projects had clients living onsite, so these remained on hold until Level 2 to ensure health and safety requirements could be safely met.
Level 2 is going smoothly for us now – it feels like ‘business as usual’ – with added hygiene. We are hopeful that there will also be positive flow-on effects, with fewer colds and flu over the winter.
Firm: Residential Castles
Principal: Karl Eastmond
Location: Christchurch
Staff: 8
The biggest challenge for me personally was not being able to go fishing! That was the first thing I did as soon as I was allowed to on that first Saturday. I took the Monday off work too and managed to catch the limit on both days!
Seriously though, the biggest challenge was writing the documents required to make sure the guys could go back on site safely. We’re not office types when we don’t have to be, and the kids climbing all over us while trying to get the computer work done was an added challenge!
It’s interesting, though, what good things can come out of a situation like this, such as adopting new technology. We’ve started using Hazard Co’s app and it has been excellent. I’d seen it before and I liked the idea of not being paper-based, but because I’m not very technology-focused, I hadn’t really followed it up. The requirements of working through Covid-19 has provided the push we needed to put the app into practice. We plan to keep using it, because, with three sites operating at once, it’s really handy to know who is on site and when.
In terms of the whole industry, the Government’s support has been welcomed – especially the $60bn dollars injected into the economy. I think the industry will have plenty of work to do in the short-term. It will probably be another year before we feel any downturn, if it comes.
Lastly, I’d like to thank PlaceMakers. It was hugely helpful post-lockdown to have our reps bring us what we needed when we weren’t able to go into the store ourselves. The contactless delivery they offered was very valuable and much appreciated. This wasn’t the case for the whole industry, so I think PlaceMakers deserves some credit for making this happen.
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