Home Featured Loopy rules straightened out

Issue 56 – September 2016

Loopy rules straightened out

26 Aug 2016, Featured, Industry News

The government is addressing construction-related issues raised by the ‘Loopy Rules Report’

The Rules Reduction Taskforce was established in 2014 to address rules and regulations deemed not fit for purpose. It released its first report late last year and, since then, the government has been working on a number of recommendations aimed at improving the building industry.

Consents under the spotlight

Making the building consent process more efficient was a prominent theme in the report. Government initiatives to achieve that goal include:

  • The promotion of staged building consents, so that structural work can begin before non-structural work is approved.
  • Providing councils with guidance about exercising their discretion under Schedule 1 exemptions.
  • Streamlining the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment’s disputes process.
  • Reviewing building consent levies in conjunction with BRANZ, councils and the treasury.

Training plan

To make access to information cheaper and easier, the government has commissioned MBIE to create an online portal to hold all building and construction information in one place. 

To raise the skill level within the sector, the 2016 Budget included funding for an additional 5,500 apprentices across all industries. 

With incomplete or poorly completed consent applications identified by councils as being a major reason for processing delays, MBIE now provides training for designers, engineers and builders in completing these applications.

Self-certifying a no-go

One of the taskforce’s recommendations was to make builders certifying their own work a long-term goal as a way of reducing liability placed on councils.

In its response, the government notes that “a great deal of work” is required in the areas of occupational regulation and liability before this could happen.

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1 Comment

  1. cmcghie101@gmail.com says:

    If you have self certifying of work provided there is insurance (manadatetry) the insurance company would soon weed out the people who don’t do work to standard as they could not get insurance for the job.

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