BRANZ construction dashboard
New interactive web-based tool offers industry insight BRANZ has launched its own Construction Dashboard – a new interactive web-based tool…
New interactive web-based tool offers industry insight BRANZ has launched its own Construction Dashboard – a new interactive web-based tool…
Once you start building below ground, the level of complication increases. With little opportunity to make repairs, getting the damp-proofing…
Large, double-glazed windows need proper support, particularly when installed beyond the face of the wall framing. Here are some simple…
Fixings come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials and play a critical role in a building’s durability –…
Flashing junctions can be tricky, but it’s important to get them right. Here we review the steps for barge and…
Offer your clients more by providing a maintenance schedule that can help them avoid expensive problems down the track BRANZ…
Concrete screw-type anchors are increasingly used as a quick, simple and effective method for fixing bottom plates to concrete slabs…
Knowing what size trimming studs to use is easy once you understand how to use the tables in NZS 3604:2011.…
Dampness and moisture problems are well-known features of many New Zealand houses. When undertaking renovations, or building new, there are…
Prevent external moisture from damaging a home by closing the top of ventilated cavities. Clause E2 External Moisture aims to…
For builders, particularly those overseeing an entire build, it’s important to ensure sub-contractors (such as painters) don’t accidentally reduce or…
Penetrations are often required through suspended concrete floor slabs – though not without careful planning! While the concrete ground floor…
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