Accurately quoting a fixed price for labour is one of the trickiest parts of pricing a job. This month, the…
Accurately quoting a fixed price for labour is one of the trickiest parts of pricing a job. This month, the…
There’s good ground and then there’s cleared ground. From time to time, the BRANZ helpline receives enquiries asking what the…
Calls to BRANZ helplines have revealed confusion created by differing advice in NZS 3604:2011 on the ground clearance needed for…
Anyone can ask to see evidence of your LBP licence at any time, so it pays to keep the photo…
Over 120 building Standards used for Building Code compliance have been funded for free download thanks to a collaboration between…
Elective learning has been a part of the LBP skills maintenance programme since it was introduced. Learning and retaining skills…
Builtin looks at what ‘fully covered’ really means and compares a ten-year builders guarantee to professional indemnity insurance We often…
With recession in the headlines, the Successful Builder outlines how your business can buffer itself against the effects of a…
Proper on-site management of wall cladding is critical to delivering quality buildings. This article is the last instalment of a…
Your building designs can affect the health and safety of workers constructing, maintaining and demolishing buildings This is recognised in…
As New Zealand’s population grows, our district plans and long-term planning rules change to ensure we build enough homes for…
Part 1 of this series covered off the basics of exempt building work and some of the easy to measure…