11 Sep 2019, News, Product Focus

PlaceMakers plants itself behind landscapers of today and tomorrow
Reflecting its commitment to the trade landscape market, PlaceMakers continues to invest in the leaders of today and tomorrow through its Registered Master Landscapers sponsorship.
Again this year, PlaceMakers sponsored the Young Landscaper of the Year Award and the Landscape Construction of Distinction Award at the recent Registered Master Landscapers Gala Dinner, held at the Stanford Plaza in Auckland.
“Our goal is to be the undisputed leader in the trade landscape market, so supporting the work of the organisation that brings the industry together and recognises and rewards excellence makes sense,” says Andrew Shirley, the Outdoor and Finishing Timbers Category Manager at PlaceMakers.
Andrew was one of three judges for the speech portion of the Young Landscaper of the Year Award, which also included a practical component and attracted the biggest crowd yet.
Supporters, sponsors and representatives from the industry gathered to cheer on the nine young landscapers at luitjen’s Landscaping yard in Drury. Having come from all over New Zealand, the competitors had to complete a number of different tasks, including laying pavers, painting, operating a digger, plant identification and the three-minute speech.
Andrew was impressed with the extremely high standard of content and the presentation skills of the competitors.
“The quality of the speeches given by these young entrants show that the future of the landscape industry is in very good hands.”
While competition was close across the board, George Tower from Goom Landscapes in Christchurch took the win.
According to Registered Master Landscapers, the high standard and number of projects submitted to the Gala Awards was also excellent this year, with entrants from both large and small companies.
Goom Landscapes again rose above the pack, winning the PlaceMakers Landscape Construction Supreme Award, among others.
The overall Supreme Award went to Natural Habitats, New Zealand’s largest and leading integrated landscape company, for its design of Smales Farm outdoor area.
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